In this Newsletter, we're share about upcoming r3 SUMMIT events , fall and winter parties and activities at our Excel Day Programs, real-life experience gained with our W.O.R.K.S. Employment Services, a tribute to a dear friend, and more information to serve you.
In this edition were showcasing how services improve relationships and provide numerous resources, client successes, anniversary dates, a recap of the r3 SUMMIT's, caregiver resources, upcoming events - and so much more!
What a busy end to spring and a jumpstart to summer! Clients, families, and our team are enjoying the outdoors, pool parties, and community outings. So, we wanted to share a little bit of all that with you, plus more!
New services, programs, and ways were serving more people will be shared. Plus, learn to check your attitude indicator and redirect if you must. You are changing lives for the better and your attitude is impactful!
These last three months have been jam packed! We've celebrated together, experienced some firsts, faced some hardship, but we continue to experience substantial growth and provide many with a purposeful life.
"So when did I change? I realize now there wasn't one pivotal moment. Instead, it was a million little moments, each important in their own way, that when added together changed me..."
In 1992, our founder Chuck Swift decided to try a new model for his ISL services, that would enable a person... to have more freedom of choice, solid relationships and the agency was able to assist them in achieving even higher goals.
In this edition, we're sharing about the r3 Conference, the grand opening of our new Excel Day Program in Willow Springs, fishing, target shooting, outdoor education with the MDC, pool parties, and so much more!!
We have two incredible stories to share, fun program updates, SUMMIT events, community service projects, and more! Read how our In-Home/Out-of-Home Respite Services are improving family dynamics and quality of life!
Read about our day at the Capitol, our Excel Day Programs fully immersing into the community, plus details about Project Hope, and the r3 Conference. Also, links our Behavioral Team have put together of tips on behaviors.
Relationships remain our constant core foundation, the lifeblood of our agency. Our programs, models, and systems set us up for not only tremendous growth, but the ability to serve and positively impact more lives than we ever though we could.
Read how one host home's journey led them to adopt three, very precious little boys. You'll also find so many encouraging words from other host homes and great resources to help you in your journey!
"Anyone that has come to visit has stated that it's a little overwhelming with the medical supplies and treatments needed....These kiddos have given us a refreshing look at why we do what we do."
We've been to the Capitol to attend the Disability Rights Legislative Day, kicked off our annual Project Hope, made working adjustments as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and much more.
This quarter brought many successes, including our nomination at the Springfield Business Journal 2024 Healthcare Champions for Small Organizations, client growth and learning life skills in our day programs, Project Hope, and more!
We're recapping the r3 Conference, our Certification Audit, last quarter's Excel Day Program activities, and celebrating 15 years of serving our communities - just a few of the things you'll read about in this edition.
Learn about the importance of being more intentional with your thoughts, words, and holding one another accountable for all the things we say. Plus, read all about our amazing program updates and changes!
Read about our Day Program expansion, group visit to the State Capital for Disability Rights Legislative Day, celebrate anniversaries with us, see our upcoming events, find out more about the r3 Conference coming this summer, and so much more!!